Document No. 10-300090, Issue 1 11-9
Command Mode Global Configuration.
Description Configures an interface type and enters Interface Configuration mode. The
no form of this command deletes an interface with the name specified.
To enter Interface Configuration mode, omit the [type {nbma | ethernet}]
Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
To Configure: interface <intf-name> [type {nbma | ethernet}]
To Delete: [no] interface <intf-name>
Table 11-5. Parameters, Keywords, Arguments
Name Definition
<intf-name> A name for the interface you are attempting to configure or
create. This name can be series of characters from 1 - 32
characters long.
nbma Sets the interface to be a non-broadcast multi-access (NBMA) IP
interfaces. NBMA interfaces make it possible for the switch to
exchange routing information over nonbridged connections
(routed virtual switch ports (VSPs))
NBMA functionality was added to RIP and OSPF routing
protocols on the Avaya Multiservice switch software
ethernet Sets the interface to be an ethernet LAN interface.