
7. Quick guide
This quick guide is aimed at users who have
already read the instruction manual, and who
are very familiar with the system.
Warning: no reference is made in this chapter
to possible operating errors this chapter
therefore does not include any warnings!
for iris control additionally
CLM-2 ..................................................... K2.52036.0
possibly with console................................. K2.52035.0
Note: CLM-1 motors cannot be used as iris motors
for the WRC-1.
In order to operate the WRC-1 the following EPROM
versions must be used:
WMU: ........................................... 01.50 or higher
UMC:............................................. 01.50 or higher
ARRIFLEX 435 .................................... 2.4 or higher
The dovetail adapter (K2.52080.0) can be used to firmly
attach the UMC-1 to the camera.
The UC-C1 cable links the UMC-1 and the RS socket on
the camera, while the UC-R1 cable connects the UMC-1
and the CCU socket. Set the PS-CCU/NORM switch on
the camera to PS-CCU.
System components required
for cable operation
WRC-1 .................................................... K2.52087.0
WC-W1-S cable ....................................... K2.52089.0
WHA-1.................................................... K2.52070.0
7.1 Connecting the devices
System components required
for wireless operation
WRC-1 .................................................... K2.52087.0
WMU-1 ................................................... K2.52052.0
with WBU-2 battery .................................. K2.52088.0
WAC-1 charger........................................ K2.52072.0
UMC-1 .................................................... K2.52040.0
with UC-C1 cable [K2.52047.0 as replacement]
dovetail adapter ....................................... K2.52080.0
URM-1 ..................................................... K2.52048.0
UC-R1 cable............................................. K2.52079.0
Quick Guide