Control Features:
♦ Compressor Operation
♦ Refrigerant Circuit Hi & Low-Pressure Lock Out
♦ Water Pump Option (Call Flex)
♦ Precise Evaporator Temperature Control (Defrost Management)
♦ Anti Short Cycle Timer (4-Minute Restart Delay)
♦ Precise Water Temperature Control
♦ Corrosion Protection (Conformal Coating)
(Appearance will vary between model lines)
1) DOWN ARROW – Reduces temperature setting. Turn heater off.
2) SPA INDICATOR LIGHT – Indicates heater is referencing spa thermostat.
3) POOL / SPA SELECTOR – Selects either pool or spa thermostat.
4) HEATING INDICATOR LIGHT – Indicates unit is heating.
5) UP ARROW – Increases temperature setting. ( Maximum pool setting is 95°F (104
F on version 06 or
later boards), maximum spa setting is 104°F)
6) POOL INDICATOR LIGHT – Indicates heater is referencing pool thermostat.
7) LED DISPLAY – Displays water temperature when nothing is pressed. Displays desired
temperature when UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW is pressed. Also displays operational, programming,
and fault codes as applicable.
8) DESIRED TEMP LIGHT – Indicates temperature setting is displayed. Indicates temperature
setting is changing due to the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW being pressed.
9) WATER TEMP LIGHT – Indicates water temperature is being displayed.