WARNING !!!! Dealer & Service Center Use Only
7. Changing Service Lock Code & “Backdoor” Entry…
A. Changing the Code…
The factory default Service Lock Code is “50”. Service personnel are strongly advised
to retain the factory default setting. However, should unauthorized access to the Level-2
(Service) menu be suspected, it may be useful to select a code other than “50”. To
change the Service Lock Code:
1) Enter the service menu level by depressing and holding both the Up ⇑ and Down
⇓ arrow keys simultaneously. Continue to hold keys until the code message:
[CF1] (Celsius Fahrenheit Selection) is displayed;
2) Depress the Pool / Spa key four times… [LOC] (Entrance To Service Menu) will
3) Using the Up ⇑ arrow key, scroll the displayed number to [050] (or the correct,
current code). Note: It may be necessary to double press the arrow key to begin
4) Once the correct service code number is displayed, press the Pool / Spa key to
access the service menu;
5) The first service parameter displayed will be [dEL] (4- minute time delay). Press
the Pool / Spa key six times until the [LOC] (Service Lock Code Entry) is
displayed. By pressing the Pool / Spa key once, the actual, current [LOC]
will be displayed;
6) At this point, the[LOC] code can be changed from the Factory Setting of [050],
or from whatever the correct setting is, to any number ranging [000] to [999]. It
is recommended, however, unless attempting to prevent tampering, that the
factory setting of: “50” remain in use.
B. “Backdoor” Access (for use when correct Service Lock Code is unknown)…
The following procedure can be used to gain access to the service menu of a unit even
though the current, correct Service Lock Code is unknown. Once access has been
gained, work can be performed within the service menu, and the code may be left as is,
changed back to the factory default setting of: “50”, or the code may be set to any
number ranging [000] to [999]. Unless attempting to prevent tampering, the factory
code setting “50” is recommended:
1) Turn off electrical power to heater …
2) Simultaneously push and hold down both arrow keys;
3) Turn the power back on…
If, due to physical site restraints or lack of an assistant, the line-voltage electrical
power cannot be turned back on while maintaining the two arrows held down, 24
volt power on the microprocessor board can, instead, be interrupted (by
disconnecting one of the two 24-Volt connections to the controller).
4) Keep holding down arrows for approximately 20-seconds;
5) [CF1] will display;
6) Go to [LOC] by pushing the Pool/Spa button four times;
7) With [LOC] displaying, push the up arrow one