
International Keyboards
International keyboards allow you to enter text in many dierent languages, including
languages that are written from right to left. If you want to enter text in other
languages, you can use Settings to make additional keyboards available when you type.
For a list of supported keyboards, go to www.apple.com/ipodtouch/specs.html.
Add a keyboard:
1 In Settings, choose General > Keyboard > International Keyboards.
The number before the arrow indicates the number of keyboards currently enabled.
2 Tap Add New Keyboard, then choose a keyboard from the list.
Repeat to add more keyboards. Some languages have multiple keyboards available.
Switch keyboards when you’re typing: Tap . When you tap the symbol, the name of
the newly activated keyboard appears briey.
You can also touch and hold to display a list of available keyboards. To choose a
keyboard from the list, slide your nger to the name of the keyboard, then release.
Tap, or touch and
hold, to switch
Edit your keyboard list: Choose General > Keyboard > International Keyboards, then
tap Edit and do one of the following:
 To delete a keyboard, tap , then tap Delete.
 To reorder the list, drag next to a keyboard to a new place in the list.
Type letters, numbers, or symbols
that aren’t on the keyboard
Touch and hold the related letter, number, or symbol, then
slide to choose a variation. On the Thai keyboards, for
example, you can choose native numbers by touching and
holding the related Arabic number.
Enter Japanese Kana Use the Kana keypad to select syllables. For more syllable
options, tap the arrow key and select another syllable or word
from the window.
Enter Japanese QWERTY Use the QWERTY keyboard to input code for Japanese
syllables. As you type, suggested syllables appear. Tap the
syllable to choose it.
Chapter 3 Basics