
About iBooks
iBooks is a great way to read and buy books. Download the free iBooks app from
the App Store, and then get everything from classics to best sellers from the built-in
iBookstore. Once you download a book, it’s displayed on your bookshelf.
Add ePub and PDF books to your bookshelf using iTunes. Then tap a book to start
reading. iBooks remembers your location, so you can easily return to where you left o.
A wide range of display options makes the books easy to read.
Note: The iBooks app and the iBookstore may not be available in all languages
or locations.
Available on the iBookstore. Title availability is
subject to change.
To download the iBooks app and use the iBookstore, you need an Internet connection
and an Apple account. If you don’t have an Apple account, or if you want to make
purchases from another Apple account, go to Settings > Store. See “Store” on page 168.