
1 User Management Overview
This chapter introduces user management concepts and
describes the applications used to manage accounts and
User management encompasses everything from setting up accounts for network
access and creating home folders, to fine-tuning the user experience by managing
preferences and settings for users, groups, computers and computer groups. Mac OS X
Server provides tools for accomplishing these tasks and more.
Tools for User Management
User management tools and technologies in Mac OS X Server include Workgroup
Manager, Server Admin, NetBoot, and NetInstall.
Workgroup Manager
Workgroup Manager is a powerful tool that delivers features for comprehensive
management of Macintosh clients.
You can use Workgroup Manager on a computer with Mac OS X or Mac OS X Server
Workgroup Manager provides a centralized method of managing Mac OS X computers,
controlling access to software and removable media, and providing a consistent,
personalized experience for users at different levels, whether they’re beginners in a
classroom or advanced users in an office.
You use Workgroup Manager to create user accounts and set up groups to provide
convenient access to resources. You can:
 Use account settings and managed preferences to achieve the level of administrative
control you need, while making the user experience more efficient
 Manage Finder, login, media access, and print settings
 Control access to computers and restrict the applications allowed to run on them