Chapter 10 Managing Preferences 171
8 Click Apply Now.
Choosing a Classic System Folder
In most cases, there is only one Mac OS 9 System Folder on a computer, and it is on the
Mac OS X startup disk. In this case, you don’t need to specify a Classic System Folder.
If a computer has multiple Mac OS 9 System Folders on the startup disk and you
haven’t set a specific path to one folder, users receive an error message and can’t use
If there is more than one Mac OS 9 System Folder on a computer’s startup disk, or if
you want to use a Mac OS 9 System Folder on a different disk, enforce the use of a
specific folder when Classic is in use. It is important if you specify a path to the folder’s
location that all clients have the Mac OS 9 System Folder in the same relative location
on their hard disks.
If multiple Mac OS 9 System Folders are available and you don’t enforce settings in the
Startup pane of the Classic preference, users can choose from among available
Mac OS 9 System Folders (if they have access to the Classic pane of System
To choose a specific Classic System Folder:
1 In Workgroup Manager, click Preferences.
2 Make sure the correct directory is selected and you are authenticated.
To switch directories, click the globe icon. If you are not authenticated, click the lock
and enter the name and password of a directory domain administrator.
3 Select one or more users, groups, computers, or computer groups.
4 Click Classic and then click Startup.
5 Set the management setting to Always.
6 In the “Use this System Folder when Classic starts” field, enter the path to the Classic
System Folder (for example, /Volumes/VolumeName/System Folder/), or click Choose
and then browse to the folder you want.
Make sure the path to the Classic System Folder on the client computer is the same as
the path to the Classic System Folder on the administrator computer.
7 Click Apply Now.
Allowing Special Actions During Restart
If managed users have access to the Classic pane of System Preferences, they can click
the Start/Restart button in the Classic pane to start or restart Classic.