Appendix B Notic es
For more deta ils, c hec k the Ac er Year 2000 Resourc e C enter Web site (http:/ /
Macrovision copyright protection notice
This produc t inc orpora tes c opyright protec tion tec hnology tha t is
protected by method claims of certain U.S. patents and other
intelle c tua l prope rty rights owne d by Ma c rovision C orpora tion a nd
other rights owners. Use of this copyright protec tion tec hnology must
be a uthorize d b y Ma c rovision C orpora tion, a nd is intende d for home
and other limited viewing uses only unless otherwise authorized by
Mac rovision C orporation. Reverse engineering or disassembly is
prohib ited .
Apparatus C laims of U.S. Patent Nos. 4,631,603, 4,577,216, 4,819,098,
and 4,907,093 lic ensed for limited viewing uses only.
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