
1 Getting to know your TravelMate
Basic power management
This c omputer has a built-in power management unit that monitors
system a c tivity. System a c tivity refers to a ny a c tivity involving one or
more of the following devic es: keyboard, mouse, floppy drive, hard
d isk, p eriphe ra ls c onne c te d to the se ria l a nd pa ra llel ports, a nd vid eo
memory. If no ac tivity is detec ted for a period of time (c alled an
inactivity timeout), the computer stops some or all of these devices in
order to conserve energy.
This c omputer employs a power management sc heme that supports
ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) which allows for
maximum powe r conservation and maximum pe rforma nc e at the same
time. Windows handles all power-saving c hores for your c omputer.
Re fer to your online guid e for more informa tion.
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