66 Chapter 4
35H PCI pass 0
4EH Scan PnP Devices
4FH Config PnP Devices
40H Initial PCI (1)
41H Initial PCI (2)
42H Initial PCI (3)
44H Initial PCI (4)
45H Initial PCI (5)
50H Initializes video display
If system has any display card, it should be initialized via its I/O ROM or
corresponding initialization program.
51H Copy F-seg from ROM into shadow RAM
54H Process VGA shadow region
4CH Check CPU brand, ID and external frequency
58H 1. Displays Acer (or OEM) logo (if necessary)
2. Displays Acer copyright message (if necessary).
3. Displays BIOS serial number.
59H Hook INT 1CH for Quiet Boot.
64H Tests keyboard interface
The keyboard LEDs should flash once
5CH Memory test (except the 384K base memory)
5EH Load Pentium Pro CPU update code
5FH Enables/Disables USB Function
60H 1. Initializes SRAM cache capacity
2. Enables the cache function
70H Initializes parallel port(s)
74H Initializes parallel port(s)
78H Reset math coprocessor
7CH Check and initialize pointing device
80H Set security status
82H Prepare entering SETUP for user pressing CTRL + ALT DEL.
84H Keyboard device initialization
6CH 1. Tests and initializes FDD
2. The FDD LED should flash once and its head should be positioned
88H 1. Sets HDD type and features (i.e. transfer speed, mode,....)
2. Tests HDD controller
90H Displays POST status
93H Rehook INT 1CH for Quiet Boot
94H 1. Initializes I/O ROM
2. I/O ROM is an optional extension of the BIOS located on an installed add-on card as
part of the I/O subsystem. POSt detects I/O ROMs and gives them opportunity to
initialize themselves and their hardware environment.
96H Initializes PCI I/O ROM
A0H Sets time and day
A4H Initializes security features
A2H Initializes setup items
A8H Setup SMI parameters
Check Point Description