Sangean Electronics ATS-808A Portable Radio User Manual

Continuous Tuning permits reception of Cancel Button allows you to instantly
more stations than ever before without change incorrect information keyed into
any break on LW, MW or SW bands. the microprocessor.
Fast response, Three Color LCD Band Select Buttons offer instant
indicates station frequency in large easy- selection of any desired frequency
to- read numbers, including dual time, bandwidth on SW.
Memory location, signal strength and
battery life. Tuning Speed Selector Switch permits
you to tune stations at either a fast or
Direct Access Keypad permits instant slow speed.
tuning of any desired frequency from
87.5 to 108MHz on the FM band and Adjustable Sleep Timer allows
from 150 to 29,999 KHz on the AM band. you to fall asleep to music or other
Fifty-Four Memory Pre-sets offer
instant access to your favorite stations on Standby Mode turns on the radio
LW,MW,FM and SW. automatically at a pre-set time either by
buzzer or radio program.
Supplemental Tuning Controls allow
for maximum clarity of the selected Stereo Headphone Jack permits
frequency. reception of FM multiplex stereo broad-
Dual Time Setting allows you to pre-set
your local time and UTC wORLD Time, or Folding Stand allows you to position the
any two time zones with instant recall. radio either vertically or at an angle while
maintaining stability.
Scanning Circuit permits you to check
various frequencies on a certain band-
width and lock on to it at random.