Project Editing
This recorder manages recorded image data (clips)
by the unit of “project.” A single project can
preserve multiple clips, and so long as the project is
not changed, the numerous clips are preserved as a
continuous series within the project. The Function
Menu’s EDIT section = [Project] = [Record/Name]
command can be used to confirm the number of
clips, the project size, and the number of titles within
the currently selected project.
Further, when a keyboard is connected, the EDIT
section = [Project] = [Record/Name] = [Name]
command can be used to change the name of the
currently selected project.
EDIT section = [Project] = [Record/Name]
Changing project name on EDIT section
= [Project] = [Record/Name]
Note 1:
To change project names, connect a keyboard to the
Note 2 :
Japanese characters cannot be used in project names.
The Protect command allows locking of the clips
within a project to prevent deletion.
Setting project clips protection on EDIT section
= [Project] = [Record/Name] = [Protect]
Recorded data is also managed as a project when
recording directly to DVD disc, but editing is not
possible in this case.
By using the EDIT section = [Project] = [Record/
Name] = [Record To] command to select “DVD &
HDD”, the recorded images will be preserved on the
hard disk drive even after finalizing and removal of
the DVD, thus allowing later editing if desired.
EDIT section = [Project] = [Record/Name]
= [Record to]