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Page 11
Name a Roomstation
The Name Room menu allows you to customize each room station’s system
name. To change the room station name, follow the steps shown below.
1. Press the Name Room button shown on Figure 5.
Figure 8 - Name Room Menu
2. To set the room name use the right and left arrows (shown in Figure 8) to select
the character to change and the up and down arrows to change the letters or
numbers in the room name. The up and down arrows cycle through upper case
letters, then lower case letters and finally numbers. The MC2000 system
supports room names up to 12 characters long.
3. Press Set to save the changes or Cancel to discard them.
After 30 seconds of inactivity, the room station returns to the Greeting Menu as
shown in Figure 2.
Name of the room
and down arrows.
Save the settings
Select the letters of the name.
ht and left arrows.
Cancel the changes