To use the key h o l e , all you need is a screw head of the ap p r o p r i ate size protruding slight-
ly from the wall. If possible, the screw should be driven into a wall stud; if not, be sure to
use ap p r o p r i ate anchors in the drywall or plaster. (See Figure 3.)
Note: Proper connection of your speakers to your amplifier or receiver is vital to obtaining
good sound quality. Please follow these directions carefully. Sloppy connections can cause
amplifier malfunction or damage.
Klipsch Reference Series speakers are wired internally with Bandwidth Balanced
M o n s t e r
C ab l e . Bandwidth Balanced technology employs multiple gauges of high-
purity copper wire, c a r e f u l ly selected and wound to ensure optimum signal transfer at all
f r e q u e n c i e s .You will obtain best performance from your speakers if you connect them to
your amplifier or receiver with Monster Cable or similar quality wire av a i l able from your
d e a l e r.We recommend that you use 16-gauge or heavier stranded copper wire. Use a
lower gauge (heavier) wire for longer runs to reduce the amount of amplifier power lost
due to the wire’s resistance.
Bare wire. Pull the two conductors apart for about an inch and strip approximately 1/4-inch
of insulation from the end of each.(A wire stripper will simplify this,but you can use an
ordinary pocket knife to cut around and through the insulation down to the wire.) Twist the
strands of wire on each individual conductor tightly together. Loosen the nuts on a pair of
binding posts until the holes through the metal posts are exposed,then insert the bare wire
through the holes.Screw the nuts down finger-tight on the wire.Make sure that no strands
of wire are touching from one binding post to the other or to any strands from the other
conductor. Failure to observe this precaution at either end of the connection can result in
amplifier malfunction or damage.
Pins. Many pre-made speaker cables are terminated with metal pins.Loosen the nuts on a
pair of binding posts until the holes through the metal posts are exposed,then insert the
pins through the holes.Screw the nuts down finger-tight on the pins — do not overtighten.
Make sure that there is no metal-to-metal contact between the two pins or binding posts.
Failure to observe this precaution at either end of the connection can result in amplifier
malfunction or damage.
Spade lugs. Some speaker cables are terminated with U-shaped connectors called spade
lugs.Loosen the nuts on a pair of binding posts and slip the spade lugs around the metal
posts.Screw the nuts down finger-tight on the lugs and inspect to ensure they have
remained firmly in place. Make sure that there is no metal-to-metal contact between the
two lugs or binding posts. Failure to observe this precaution at either end of the connection
can result in amplifier malfunction or damage.
One of the most important things about hooking up your speakers is keeping them in
the same polarity, or phase. If they are connected out of phase, bass and sound imagi n g
will be degr a d e d .
The easiest way to ensure that your speakers are wired in phase is to always connect the
positive and negative output terminals on your amplifier or receiver to the matching input
terminals on your speakers:positive (“+”,color-coded red) to positive and negative (“–”,
color-coded black) to negative.(See Figure 4.)
Most pre-terminated speaker cables have color-coded connectors that make it easy to
match output and inputs correctly. If yours do not,or if you are making your own out of
paired,two-conductor wire,look for identifying marks on the insulation of the two conduc-
tors.Normally there will be printing,a stripe or a molded ridge along one of the conductors.
Surround-sound receivers and processors use what is known as bass management to
ensure that low frequencies in the various channels are sent to speakers that can handle
them well and away from small speakers that cannot.Any of the Klipsch Reference Series
surround speakers can be set to Large in your receiver or processor’s speaker setup menu
if necessary. But if your system includes a good powered subwoofer or floorstanding front
left and right speakers,you probably will get better overall performance by using the Small
setting and letting the sub or the front speakers handle the low bass,especially when the
woofers in the surrounds are less than 6.5 inches in diameter.
The only thing you should ever need to do to your speakers is dust them occasionally.
Never apply any abrasive or solvent-based cleaner or any harsh detergent.You can clean
the grilles with the brush attachment of a vacuum cleaner.
The Warranty below is valid only for sales to consumers in the United States or Canada.
KLIPSCH,L.L.C.("KLIPSCH") warrants this product to be free from defects in materials and
workmanship (subject to the terms set forth below) for a period of five (5) years from the date of
purchase.During the Warranty period,KLIPSCH will repair or replace (at KLIPSCH’s option) this
product or any defective parts (excluding electronics and amplifiers).For products that have
electronics or amplifiers,the Warranty on those parts is for a period of two (2) years from the
date of purchase.
To obtain Warranty serv i c e ,please contact the KLIPSCH authorized dealer from which you
purchased this product.If your dealer is not equipped to perform the repair of your KLIPSCH
p r o d u c t , it can be returned, freight paid, to KLIPSCH for repair.
Figure 4
Figure 3