• Each player moves their pieces from his
opponent’s inner table to his inner table
as shown below: The three type of moves
shown are:
I - clear of any other pieces
II - occupied by one or more of his own
III - occupied by any singleopponents’s
piece (called a blot). You may hit the
opponent’s piece and move it to the BAR.
• When you have two or more pieces on
a point it is called a “closed point”. Your
opponent is not permitted to land on it.
See the figure below:
How To Get In From Bar
• If one of your pieces has been placed on
the BAR, you must re-enter into your
opponents inner home table before you
may move any of your other pieces. For
example, refer to the figure below:
If you have a piece on the BAR and throw
2 and a 4, you cannot re-enter your pieces
on point 2 or 4 since they have been
closed by your opponent. You would
need to “pass”. You can only get off the
BAR if you land on points 1,5, and 6. If
you land on point 5, your opponent’s
piece will be removed to the BAR.
How To Bear Off
• When all 15 pieces are in a player’s
inner home table, the player must remove
or “bear off” the pieces from the board.
• If a number thrown is higher than any
points occupied by the player’s pieces,
then you may bear off from the highest
points. For Example, if you throw a 6 and
a 4, you can bear off from points 5 and 4,
because you have no pieces on point 6.
see below:
• If the number thrown corresponds
exactly to a point with a players’s piece,
the player may bear it off.
• If a number thrown is lower than any