5 & 7
8.12 “seCurITy” seTTIngs“seCurITy” seTTIngsseCurITy” seTTIngs
Here you can dene a security code that will be asked every time the device is turned
on. You can enable/disable the code and change it.
8.13 ““CusTOMer assIsTanCe” seTTIngs
Here you access the online registration, view the PDF user manual or access the “Repair
and Formatting Tools”:
“Repair and Formatting Tools”
use this button to access the “Repair and Formatting Tools” settings screen. This
screen allows you to do the following actions:
“Clear temporary system les and cache” (does not erase any data)
“Reset Settings” (resets all user settings)
“Format Hard Drive” (erase all data, media les, and licenses)
“Full Reinitialization” (erase all data, media les, licenses and settings)
In the event that your ARCHOS freezes or does not respond anymore, try to
reset it (see: Troubleshooting).
If this does not work or if you cannot access the Repair and Formatting Tools,
you can try a system recovery (see: Troubleshooting).
8.14 “fIrMware and Plug-Ins” seTTIngs
“Firmware Ver.”
displays the current version of the rmware and Digital Rights Management
(DRM) system.