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This Troubleshooting Guide was created to help you through any difficulties you may encounter as you learn to use your new Zojirushi
Home Bakery SUPER. Be patient. If, at first, the results of your baking are not completely satisfactory, please consult this guide. In most
cases, you will find the solution, as well as the answers to any question you may have.
We also offer you toll-free customer service as an additional source of help to ensure that you are happy with your baking.
Please take advantage of this guide and our toll-free customer service
before returning your Home Bakery SUPER to the store.
Measurement Adjustment:
According to the chart, first make the proper corrections for yeast;
and if the loaf is still not acceptable, make adjustments to liquids,
then dry ingredients.
Pan Alignment:
The pan should be level when it is properly placed into the unit.
Check the space between the pan and the front and back wall, the
front and back spaces should be equal.
Kneading Blade:
The kneading blade should be pushed to the bottom of the baking
After pressing "START" the machine doesn’t operate:
Make sure that the unit is plugged in. The unit doesn’t operate if
the interior is too hot (displayed as HOT). Pressing "START"
activates the preheating sensor, kneading will begin once
preheating is complete.
[ - : --] indicated on LCD
Seems to be a case of sensor failure. Please contact our Customer
Service Dept.
Customer Service:
If you have any questions, please call our Customer Service Dept.
at (213) 722-1770 or (800) 733-6270.
Loaf rises
then falls.
Loaf rises
too high.
Loaf does
7.56569 oatptoaf does
wiPgf B4.01665Tj(.)TEMC/Pgf BMCBT/TT0 1 Tf7.56569 0 0 7.56569 4Tj(09 194.71436 -258.0083 Tm(t)Tj(h)Tj(e)Tj(n)Tj( )Tj(f)Tj(a)Tj(l)Tj(l)Tj 4Tj(09 194.71436 -2a)Tj(( )( )Tj(r)Tj(i)Tjj(s)Tj(t)Tcp)Tj(t)Tji)Tj(o)Tj(n)Tj(EMC/Pgf BMCBT/TT0 1 Tf7.56569 0 0 7.56569 85.986301 -266.52002 Tm(7.56569 )Tj(o3013301 -258.0083 Tm(n)Tn3301 -258.008314n)Tn85.986301 -266.52002a)TjUTjETEMC/seek(w)Tj(i)Tjdasoaf doeseek(w)Tj(i)Tjd