
Pillow Speaker Hook Up
Locate the Pillow Speaker output jack on the back of
the LCD TV/Monitor.
Connect an accessory pillow speaker or wired remote
control unit to this 6-pin jack.
Select PILLOW SPEAKER on the rear panel of the
LCD TV/Monitor.
Use a pillow speaker by Curbell, Model A-16455-02 or
other UL recognized pendant control bearing the warning:
*Notes: If the pillow Speaker switch is set to Pillow Speaker, no
sound will be heard from the TV speakers.If pillow speaker switch
is set to the Pillow Speaker position, Auto Volume will be grayed
out and not accessible on the Sound menu.
“Risk of fire if used in oxygen enriched atmosphere.
Keep pendant control away from oxygen equipment.”
The TV is capable of being controlled by a single-wire,
serial data signal. This is a Zenith patented technology
and is being implemented by certain brands of “smart”
pillow speakers, such as Curbell’s “GEN-II” models.
Controlling the TV with Serial Data
This connector furnishes three control lines and an
audio output. A patient-pendant remote control, or
entertainment audio and nurse call system may be
connected here. All lines are isolated from the AC
power line and earth ground. (Opto-isolators isolate
the control lines, and a transformer isolates the audio.
There are no relays or inductive components in the
control lines.)
Pillow Speaker Interface
Pin 4 (common) is momentarily connected to pin 1, 3, or
6 via push-action switches to control On/Off and Channel
Up/Down. These pins are at +13 volts DC (when measured
from pin 4) with the switches open. Current draw is 8 mA
when a switch is closed. (This operation is identical to
previous Zenith models using the 5-Wire Interface except
that only +7 volts DC was supplied and current draw was
only 2.5 mA.)
Controlling the TV with Mechanical Switches
Connect a pillow speaker to the LCD TV/Monitor.
Pillow speaker not included
with LCD TV/Monitor.
Pin No. Purpose
1 External TV On/Off switch.
2 (Not used.)
3 External Channel Up switch or Data in.
6 External Channel Down switch.
4 Common connection for control, data, and audio
output. Impedance to earth ground is a 10-meg
resistor in parallel with a 1100 pf capacitor.
5 Isolated audio output. Nominal 14-ohm source
impedance with short circuit protection. Intended
for a pillow speaker with a low-impedance pad-type
volume control.