Slightly Light - Slightly light labels are, in some cases, preferred to
slightly dark for “In Spec” bar codes. Both normal and rotated bar
codes will be “In Spec”, but small alphanumeric characters may not be
Too Light - Light labels are very obvious. Both normal and rotated
bar codes have incomplete bars and spaces. Small alphanumeric char-
acters are unreadable.
In Spec - The “In Spec” bar code can only be confirmed by a verifier,
but it should exhibit some very visible characteristics. The normal bar
code will have complete, even bars and clear, distinct spaces. The ro-
tated bar code will also have complete bars and clear distinct spaces.
Although it may not look as good as a slightly dark bar code, it will be
“In Spec”. In both normal and rotated styles, small alphanumeric char-
acters will look complete.
78 Z Series™ User’s Guide
Figure 31. Bar Code Examples
Thu Jun 25 11:20:50 1998
Color profile: Disabled
Composite Default screen