
Line # Type this label format Resulting printout
See next page2.
Line 1 Indicates start of label format.
Line 2 Sets the printer to move the media to 800 dots from the top
of the media (or label length -800 from the bottom (leading
edge) of the media) and prints "VOID" 500 dots in vertical
length (Y axis) on case of an error.
Line 3 End of label format.
The following figure shows the resulting voided label. Note where the void
starts. The media has been moved 800 dot rows from the top of the label
(label length minus 800 dot rows from the bottom (leading edge) of a label)
to bring the transponder into the effective area to read/write a tag. If the
printer fails the operation, an area that is 500 dot rows of the media is
voided instead of the rest of the media (as in the previous example).
50 980476-001A