26 Zebra XiIII-Series User’s Guide
NOTE: If two operating conditions occur simultaneously (for example,
one that causes a light to be on constantly and one that causes the
same light to flash), the light flashes.
Light Status Indication
Off The printer is off or power is not applied.
On The printer is on.
Off Normal operation.
Flashing (Peel-off mode only.) The label is available. Printing is paused until the
label is removed.
Off Normal operation — no printer errors.
Flashing A printer error exists. Check the display screen for more information.
Off Normal operation — ribbon (if used) is properly loaded.
On Printing is paused, the front panel displays a warning message, and the
PAUSE light is on.
• If the printer is in direct thermal mode: Ribbon is loaded.
• If the printer is in thermal transfer mode: No ribbon is loaded.
Off Normal operation — media is properly loaded.
On No media is under the media sensor. Printing is paused, the display
shows an error message, and the PAUSE light is on.
Off Normal operation.
On The printer has stopped all printing operations. Either the PAUSE key
was pressed, a pause command was included in the label format, the
on-line verifier detected an error, or a printer error was detected. Refer
to the display screen for more information.
Off Normal operation. No data being received or processed.
On Data processing or printing is taking place. No data is being received.
Flashing The printer is receiving data from or sending status information to the
host computer. Flashing slows when the printer cannot accept more
data, but returns to normal once data is again being received.