Control Panel LCD Display
13290L-001 Rev. A S4M User Guide 10/21/05
(APL-I mode only)
Print Stored APL-I Page
Up to 20 pages can be stored and printed.
Selections: 0 through 19
Default Value: 0
To modify this parameter:
• To increase the value, press the up arrow.
• To decrease the value, press the down arrow.
(APL-I mode only)
Print Stored APL-I Format
Up to 100 formats can be stored and printed.
Selections: 0 through 99
Default Value: 0
To modify this parameter:
• To increase the value, press the up arrow.
• To decrease the value, press the down arrow.
Set Baud
The baud setting of the printer must match the baud setting of the host
computer for accurate communications to take place. Select the value that
matches the one being used by the host computer.
Selections: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800,
38400, 57600, 115200
Default Value: 9600
To modify this parameter:
• Press the up or down arrow to scroll through the selections.
Set Data Bits
The data bits of the printer must match the data bits of the host computer
for accurate communications to take place. Set the data bits to match the
setting being used by the host computer.
Note • Code Page 850 requires the data bits to be set to 8 bits.
Selections: 7BITS, 8BITS
Default Value: 8BITS
To modify this parameter:
• Press the up or down arrow to scroll through the selections.
Table 11 • Printer Parameters, Level 3 (Page 2 of 9)
Parameter Explanation