RW Series User Guide
Loading Media From An External Supply
Note • Only the RW 420 supports an external media supply.
Refer to Figure 10. The RW 420 configured with the
External Media option has a loading slot in the rear of
the media compartment allowing you to use standard 4
in. (101.6 mm) wide fanfold media from an external sup-
ply. The external supply must be designed such that it
does not exert excessive drag as media is fed through the
printer, which could result in distorted printing.
Zebra offers a series of vehicle cradles for the RW 420
(P/Ns AK17463-003 and AK17463-004) which incorporate
provisions for installation of an external media supply bin.
• Pull the media supports apart, insert a Media Spacer
(Zebra part number BA16625-1) between them, and let
the media supports close. Insert the media from the ex-
ternal supply through the rear feed slot, between the me-
Figure 10: Loading Media from an External Supply
Media Spacer
p/n BA16625-1
Feed media through
bottom feed slot
Printing surface of
media must face the