ZPL II Commands for RFID
58978L-008 Rev. A RFID Programming Guide 11/14/2008
m = memory bank
Note • This parameter applies to Gen 2 tags only.
Specifies the Gen 2 memory bank. See Gen 2 Memory Map
on page 46 for more information about Gen 2 memory.
Accepted Values:
E = EPC 96-bit (command automatically performs
operation on Gen 2 bit address 20
and accesses
12 bytes of the EPC memory bank)
0 = Reserved
1 = EPC
2 = TID (Tag ID)
3 = User
Default Value: E
Example 1 •This example encodes 96-bit data in ASCII format.
^RFw,a^FD00 my data^FS
Example 2 •This example encodes 64-bit data in hexadecimal format.
Example 3 •This example encodes 96-bit EPC data, as specified by the ^RB command.
Example 4 •This example encodes 4 bytes of hexadecimal formatted data, starting in
block 3 of Gen 2 EPC bank 1.
Parameters Details