pg. 9
Wireless Congiguration
QSG for 802.11n & Bluetooth
Radios for Link-OS Mobile Printers
P1048352-001 Rev. C
• This will open the Direct Communications dialogue box which
allows the user to input setvar and getvar commands to the
• In the
top window of the Direct Communications dialogue box,
type the below command followed by a space:
! U1 getvar “wlan.power _ save”
• Click on the Send To Printer button (circled) and the resulting
data received from the printer (i.e. ON or OFF) will appear
in the bottom window (as shown).
Disabling Power Save Mode (Option 1)
• Click on Open Printer Tools button located on Zebra Setup Utili-
ties home screen.
• Click on the Action tab (circled) in the Tools window and high-
light Send Command (as shown).
• In the Command Description box, type the following setvar
command followed by a space:
! U1 setvar “wlan.power _ save” “off”
• Click on the Send button to transmit the command data to
the printer.
• To validate that Power Save was disabled, follow the steps
detailed in Checking Current Power Save Mode on Page 6.
Disabling Power Save Mode (Option 2)
• Open the Direct Communications dialogue box as described
• In the top window, type the following setvar command fol-
lowed by a space:
! U1 setvar “wlan.power _ save” “off”
• Click on Send To Printer button and the resulting data (i.e. OFF)
will appear in the bottom window.