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0808 IH-974
44 Zebra Z4M Printer User’s Guide
Display Shows Action/Explanation
Initialize Memory Card
CAUTION: Perform this operation onlywhen it isnecessary to erase all
previously stored informationfrom the optional memory card. Press the
SETUP/EXIT key tobypass this function.
1. Press the INCREMENT(+) key to select“YES.”
If your printeris set to require apassword, you will nowbe
prompted to enterthe password. Enter the passwordand then
press the SELECTkey.
2. The display willask “INITIALIZE CARD?”. Press theINCREMENT (+)
key “YES.”
3. The front panelLCD will ask “AREYOU SURE?”.
4. Press the INCREMENT(+) key “YES” tobegin initialization.
Press the DECREMENT(-) key “NO” to cancelthe request and returnto
the “INITIALIZE CARD”prompt.
5. Press the SETUP/EXITkey followed by theSELECT key. If initialization
is still inprocess, the front panel displaywill flash back andforth between
the two phrases“CHECKING B: MEMORY” and “PRINTERIDLE.”
When initialization iscomplete, the printer will automaticallyexit the
configuration mode andthe front panel will display“PRINTER READY.”
NOTE: Depending on theamount of memory in thememory card,
initialization may takeup to five minutes tocomplete.
Initialize Flash Memory
CAUTION: Perform this operationonly when it isnecessary to erase all
previously stored informationfrom the FLASH memory. Pressthe
SETUP/EXIT key tobypass this function.
1. Press the INCREMENT(+) key to select“YES.”
If your printeris set to require apassword, you will nowbe prompted
to enter thepassword. Enter the password andthen press the
2. The display willask “INITIALIZE FLASH?”. Press theINCREMENT (+)
key “YES.”
3. The front panelLCD will ask “AREYOU SURE?”.
4. Press the INCREMENT(+) key “YES” tobegin initialization.
Press the DECREMENT(-) key “NO” to cancelthe request and returnto
5. Press the SETUP/EXITkey followed by theSELECT key. If initialization
is still inprocess, the front panel displaywill flash back andforth between
the two phrases“CHECKING E: MEMORY” and “PRINTERIDLE.”
When initialization iscomplete, the printer will automaticallyexit the
configuration mode andthe front panel will display“PRINTER READY.”
NOTE: Depending on theamount of free FLASH memory,initialization may
take up toone minute to complete.
Zebra Z4M Printer User’s Guide 45
Media and RibbonSensor Calibration
Performing the manualcalibration procedure first resets thesensitivity of the sensorsto better
detect the mediaand ribbon you are using. With the sensors attheir new sensitivity, the printer
then performs themanual calibration. Changing the typeof ribbon and/or media mayrequire
resetting the sensitivityof the media and ribbonsensors.
Display Shows Action/Explanation
Sensor Profile Pressthe INCREMENT (+) keyto print a media sensorprofile.
See Figure 22. The media sensor profile maybe used to troubleshoot
registration problems thatmay be caused when themedia sensor detects
preprinted areas onthe media or experiences difficultyin determining web
location. If the sensitivityof the media and/orribbon sensors MUST be
adjusted, use themanual calibration procedure.
Manual Calibration Press theINCREMENT (+) key tostart the calibration
This procedure isused to reset the sensitivityof the media andribbon
sensors. Then, the manualcalibration is performed.
Figure 22