Migration guide
Zebra G-Series printers
One of the features of the G-Series printer is the dual 1.
residency of its command languages: the coexistence
of both EPL™ and ZPL
command sets and the printer’s
ability to process them are very different from the
individual command-specific 28-series printers. Whilst
the G-Series printers will seamlessly handle different
language formats or scripts sent in succession,
individual constructs must be maintained; EPL and ZPL
scripts cannot be merged.
The GX420 and GX430 printers have full E3™ printhead 2.
energy control in line with the Zebra mid-range and
high-end printers. This individual dot management
provides improved print quality over equivalent
28-series printers, so should you have an application or
output that requires a crisper, defined image, or should
you be looking for a printer with output comparable to
your larger Zebra printers, the GX™ printer would be
the choice.
Increased print speed and print quality have been 3.
achieved on the G-Series printers and so has improved
printer management. Printhead control is one example
of this: the printer will warn of the printhead being too
hot via a solid-amber LED. This is an additional feature
that users of the EPL-based 28-series printers (the LP/
TLP 2844 or TLP 3842™), would not have encountered
previously. This feature cannot be disabled.
The Feed-button modes of G-Series printers follow 4.
those of the ZPL-based 28-series: the LP/TLP 2844-Z
and TLP 3844-Z™ printers. With their various flash
sequences, they provide more control over the printer’s
setup and continued use. This is a feature unavailable
to EPL-based 28-series printers and avoids any
unwanted entries into a diagnostic mode or the Line
Mode of operation. Full details of the printer’s Feed-
button modes can be found in the relevant user guide.
The default configuration report that can be output via 5.
a one-flash sequence is that of a ZPL-based printer. If
the printer is equipped with an internal 10/100 Ethernet
option, a subsequent configuration report detailing
the print server setup will be output. Should a user be
more familiar with the configuration report of an EPL-
based 28-series printer and require this format, it can
be output via the appropriate EPL U-command.
The two-flash sequence on the G-Series printers will 6.
only perform a manual calibration routine, which is a
slightly different operation from that of the ZPL-based
28-series printers. Should you require the media
histogram output, this is available following a new
seven-flash sequence.
The command set has been expanded and part of 7.
this feature increase is that of the Set, Get, Do (SGD)
constructs. This control includes media handling,
odometer functionality and wired and wireless setup,
and provides a common method of control outside that
of any similar EPL or ZPL feature-handling. Full details
of the SGD commands can be found in the relevant
programming guide.
The G-Series printers support Unicode™. The printers 8.
are pre-loaded with the Swiss 721 font and this can be
accessed under ZPL to provide a multi-character global
printing solution.
The default plug-and-play string of the printer will see 9.
a ZPL driver installed. However, if a specific choice of
EPL driver is required, this can be set up via the driver
install routine on the printer’s Accessories CD.
Why would this be required? A feature within the 10.
Zebra Universal Driver (ZUD) is its ability to select
a TrueType™ or OpenType
font for conversion
and download to the printer. This font data might
be referenced at a future point via the appropriate
command code. However, ZPL soft fonts use upper-
case reference letters, whereas EPL soft fonts use
lower-case letters. Therefore, if you intend to refer to
converted font data via command code, ensure that the
code-specific ZUD is installed and used for the actual
conversion process.
Converted soft fonts are stored under E: memory. The 11.
syntax is fo.FNT, where “f” is the font identifier and “o”
is the orientation. A directory listing of E: might show
something similar to AH.FNT, where the font identifier
is A and the orientation is H (for “horizontal”). The other
choice of orientation is V (for “vertical”).
Real-time-clock handling under EPL provides a 12.
time or date stamp of when the print job commenced.
For this information to update throughout the print
run, you should use ZPL command code and the
^SL command.