Printing Controls
Setting the Start Print Signal
This parameter determines how the printer will react to the Start Print Signal input on pin 3 of the
applicator interface connector at the rear of the printer.
This is set by the applicator manufacturer and should not be changed unless the factory defaults have
been reloaded. Please make a note of it! While other choices are valid, the printer must be returned
to its designated setting in order for it to work properly.
Refer to Table 5 in “Appendix B” for more applicator cable information.
PULSE MODE — A label will print when the signal transitions from HIGH to LOW.
LEVEL MODE — Labels will print as long as the signal is asserted LOW.
Press the right or left oval key to display other selections.
Default: Pulse Mode
Selections: Pulse Mode, Level Mode
Press the NEXT key to display RESYNCH MODE.
Setting the Resync Mode
This parameter determines how the printer will react if the label synchronization is lost and the label
top is not where expected.
This is set by the applicator manufacturer and should not be changed unless the factory defaults have
been reloaded. Please make a note of it! While other choices are valid, the printer must be returned to
its designated setting in order for it to work properly.
FEED MODE — If the label top is not where expected, the printer will feed a blank label to find
the label top position.
ERROR MODE — If the label top is not where expected, the printer will stop, enter the PAUSED
mode, display the message “Error Condition Feed Label”, flash the ERROR
LED, and assert the “Service Required” signal (pin 10 on the Applicator
Interface Connector).
To resync the media to the top of the label in this mode, the user must press the
PAUSE key to exit the PAUSED state. The ERROR LED will then stop
flashing and the “Service Required” signal will be de-asserted. The action of the
printer is then determined by the “Head Close” configuration selection:
• “Calibration” – the printer feeds labels and recalibrates the media sensors.
• “Feed” – the printer feeds the labels to the next web.
• “Length” – the printer feeds labels and calculates the label length.
• “No Motion” – the media does not move. The user must press the FEED
key to cause the printer to resync to the start of the next label.
Press the right or left oval key to display other selections.
Default: Feed Mode
Selections: Feed Mode, Error Mode
Press the NEXT key to display RIBBON LOW.
30 170PAX2-Series User’s Guide