Wear protective clothing. Severe internal
injuries can occur if water is forced into body
cavities as result of falling into the water or
being near the jet thrust nozzle. Normal
swimwear does not adequately protect
against forceful water entry into rectum and
vagina. All riders must wear a wetsuit bot-
tom or clothing that provides equivalent pro-
Such clothing includes thick, tightly
woven, sturdy and snug-fitting apparel such
as denim, but does not include spandex or
similar fabrics like those used in bicycle
shorts. A full wetsuit can also protect against
hypothermia (subnormal body temperature)
and abrasions.
Footwear and gloves are recommended.
Eye protection is recommended to keep
wind, water, and glare from the sun out of
your eyes while you operate your watercraft.
Restraining straps for eyewear are made
which are designed to float should your eye-
wear fall in the water.
You should grip the handlebars firmly and
keep both feet on the floor of the footwell. Do
not attempt to ride with passengers until
your operating skills are fully developed.
Riding watercraft with
When 2 or 3 persons (including the oper-
ator) are on board, the watercraft handles
differently, and is not as easy to maneuver,
so operating it requires a higher degree of
skill. Before attempting to operate the water-
craft with passengers on board, the operator
must practice operating the watercraft alone
enough to be able to acquire the necessary
The passengers must always wear USCG
approved PFD and wetsuit bottom or equiv-
Do not apply throttle when anyone is at
rear of watercraft. Turn engine off or keep
engine at idle. Water and/or debris exit-
ing the jet thrust nozzle can cause severe
injury. Passengers should not attempt to
board the watercraft if the operator is
applying throttle.
Do not give a ride to children whose feet
cannot reach the floor of the footwell. The
passengers should hold on firmly, either to
the person in front of them or to the handgrip
provided, and keep both feet on the floor of
footwell. Never allow a passenger to ride in
front of the operator.
When passengers are on board, make
sure that they are holding on firmly and
have feet in the footwell before you start
to accelerate.
When pulling a skier, the spotter should
face to the rear while holding the handgrip
with both hands. The spotter should always
sit astride the seat with his or her feet placed
firmly on the floor of the footwell for proper
balance. Follow state laws regarding skiing
such as skier-down flags, rearward-facing
spotter, and other requirements.
UF1K11.book Page 22 Thursday, June 2, 2005 8:45 AM