MIDI Data Format
The 5 data types listed below are received.
System Data
Multi Effect Data (Individual module unit)
Multi Part Data (Individual part unit)
Drums Setup Data (Individual note unit)
System Information
binary hexadecimal
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
01110011 73 Clavinova ID
01000101 45 CVP-98/96/94/92 ID
00010001 11 Sub ID
0000nnnn 0N N = MIDI Channel
01001001 45 Volume and Expression Realtime Control Off
0vvvvvvv VV Value VV: 00H=on, 7FH=off
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
When “On” is received, subsequent volume, expression, and PAN changes are only
valid after the reception of the next key on. Normal operation resumes when “Off” is
(3-6-5) Others
(3-6-5-1) MIDI MASTER TUNING (Recive only)
binary hexadecimal
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 1N When N is received N=0-F, whichever is received.
00100111 27 Model ID
00110000 30 Sub ID
00000000 00
00000000 00
0mmmmmmm MM Master Tune MSB
0lllllll LL Master Tune LSB
0ccccccc CC don’t care
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
Changes tuning of all channels.
MM, LL values are used to define the MIDI Master Tuning value.
T = M-128
T : Tuning value (-100cent - +100cent)
M : A single byte value (28-228) consists of bytes 0-3 of MM = MSB, bytes 0-3 of LL = LSB.
In this setting, GM System ON, XG System ON will not be reset.
(3-6-5-2) Bulk Dump
User Song, User Style
binary hexadecimal
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
01110011 73 Clavinova ID
01001011 4B Model ID (PSR-530)
00110000 06 Bulk ID
0kkkkkkk KK Bulk No. (0AH;User Song, 07H;User Style)
0000llll 0L Data Length
0000llll 0L Data Length
0000llll 0L Data Length
0000llll 0L Data Length
0000llll 0L Data Length
0000llll 0L Data Length (Date Length=LLLLLL HByte
0ddddddd DD Bulk Data
0ccccccc CC Check Sum
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
Multi Pad, Registration Memory
binary hexadecimal
11110000 F0 Exclusive status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
01110011 73 Clavinova ID
01001011 4B Model ID (PSR-530)
00110000 06 Bulk ID
0kkkkkkk KK
Bulk No.(08H;Multi Pad, 09H;Registration Memory)
0000llll 0L Data Length
0000llll 0L Data Length
0000llll 0L Data Length
0000llll 0L Data Length (Date Length=LLLL HByte)
0ddddddd DD Bulk Data
0ccccccc CC Check Sum
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive
Bulk data cannot be sent when:
• in the Record Modes (Song, Style, Pad).
• song playback.
• accompaniment playback.
• multi pad playback.
• changing the registration number.
Bulk data cannot be received when:
• in the Record Modes (Song, Style, Pad).
• a frame appears around the voice icons and an user song is selected.
• song playback.
• accompaniment playback.
• multi pad playback.
• changing the registration number.
< Table 1-1> Parmeter Basic Address
Parameter Change
(H) (M) (L) Description
SYSTEM 00 00 00 System
00 00 7D Drum Setup Reset
00 00 7E XG System On
00 00 7F All Parameter Reset
INFORMATION 01 00 00 System Information
EFFECT 1 02 01 00 Effect1 (Reverb,Chorus,Variation)
MULTI PART 08 00 00 Multi Part 1
08 0F 00 Multi Part 16
08 10 00 Reserved
::: :
DRUM 30 0B 00 Drum Setup 1 → Address Parameter
31 0B 00 Drum Setup 2 : :
3n 0B 00 note number 13
3n 0C 00 note number 14
3n 5B 00 note number 91