Star labels (For California
This watercraft is labeled with a California
Air Resources Board (CARB) star label 1.
See below for a description of your particu-
lar label.
One Star - Low Emission
The one-star label identifies engines that
meet the Air Resources Board’s 2001
exhaust emission standards. Engines meet-
ing these standards have 75% lower emis-
sions than conventional carbureted two-
stroke engines. These engines are equiva-
lent to the U.S. EPA’s 2006 standards for
marine engines.
Two Stars - Very Low Emission
The two-star label identifies engines that
meet the Air Resources Board’s 2004
exhaust emission standards. Engines meet-
ing these standards have 20% lower emis-
sions than One Star-Low-Emission engines.
Three Stars - Ultra Low Emission
The three-star label identifies engines
that meet the Air Resources Board’s 2008
exhaust emission standards. Engines meet-
ing these standards have 65% lower emis-
sions than One Star-Low-Emission engines.
UF1B12.book Page 4 Monday, July 7, 2003 1:48 PM