Menu items
Setup Level (HDTV)
(Input signal)
Component/RGB TV
Compensates for differences in the black levels of HDTV images.
Usually, choose [0%].
• For signals equal to the pedestal level : Set to [0%].
• For signals with high levels of blackness: Set to [7.5%].
Clamp Position
(Input signal)
Component/RGB TV
Adjusts the clamp position for analog video sources.
Choices: -30 to +30
Horiz. Display Position
(Input signal)
RGB PC (except for HDMI signals)/
Component/RGB TV
Adjusts the horizontal display position of the image.
Choices: PC type : -50 to 0 to +50
Video type : -10 to 0 to +10
Vert. Display Position
(Input signal)
RGB PC (except for HDMI signals)/
Component/RGB TV
Adjusts the vertical display position of the image.
Choices: PC type : -50 to 0 to +50
Video type : -5 to 0 to +5
Signal Status
Displays the resolution of the image signal the unit is receiving.
Sync signal information for RGB type inputs is also displayed.
Sync Adjustment
(Input signal)
RGB PC (except for HDMI signals)
Regulates flickering, noise, and disorder in the image.
Choices: -128 to +127
(Input signal)
RGB PC (except for HDMI signals)
Regulates vertical striping in the image.
Choices: 0 to 31
13_DPX-1100_E.p65 2004.04.16, 12:5829