AW1600 Owner’s Manual
Effects library list
The following table lists the preset effects programs. See “Effects Parameters” (→ p. 188) for
detailed parameter information. Effects programs that use the HQ. PITCH effect can be used
only with Effect 2.
■ Reverb-type Effects
■ Delays
■ Modulation-type Effects
■ Distortion-type Effects
No. Title Type Description
01 Reverb Hall REVERB HALL Reverb simulating a large space such as a concert hall.
02 Reverb Room REVERB ROOM Reverb simulating the acoustics of a smaller space (room) than REVERB HALL.
03 Reverb Stage REVERB STAGE Reverb designed with vocals in mind.
04 Reverb Plate REVERB PLATE Simulation of a metal-plate reverb unit, producing a feeling of hard-edged reverberation.
05 Early Ref. EARLY REF. An effect which isolates only the early reflection (ER) component from reverberation.
A flashier effect than reverb is produced.
06 Gate Reverb GATE REVERB A type of ER designed for use as gated reverb.
07 Reverse Gate REVERSE GATE A reverse-playback type ER.
No. Title Type Description
08 Mono Delay MONO DELAY Mono delay with simple operation. Use when you don’t need to use complex parameter
09 Stereo Delay STEREO DELAY Stereo delay with independent left and right.
10 Mod.delay MOD.DELAY Mono delay with modulation.
11 Delay LCR DELAY LCR Three-tap delay (L, C, R).
12 Echo ECHO Stereo delay with additional parameters for more detailed control. The signal can be fed back
from left to right, and right to left.
No. Title Type Description
13 Chorus CHORUS Three-phase stereo chorus.
14 Flange FLANGE The well-known flanging effect.
15 Symphonic SYMPHONIC A Yamaha proprietary effect that produces a richer and more complex modulation than chorus.
16 Phaser PHASER Stereo phaser with 2–16 stages of phase shift.
17 Auto Pan AUTO PAN An effect which cyclically moves the sound between left and right.
18 Tremolo TREMOLO Tremolo.
19 HQ.Pitch HQ.PITCH
(Effect 2 only)
Only one note is pitch-shifted, but a stable effect is produced.
20 Dual Pitch DUAL PITCH Stereo pitch shift with left and right pitches set independently.
21 Rotary ROTARY Simulation of a rotary speaker.
22 Ring Mod. RING MOD. An effect that modifies the pitch by applying amplitude modulation to the frequency of the input.
On the AW1600, even the modulation frequency can be controlled by modulation.
23 Mod.Filter MOD.FILTER An effect which uses an LFO to modulate the frequency of the filter.
No. Title Type Description
24 Distortion DISTORTION Distortion.
25 Amp Simulate AMP SIMULATE Guitar Amp Simulator.
Effects library list