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Date en cours : 11 août 2004
\\Sct01002\BE31-DOC\DOC 31 - En cours\Travaux en cours\Fax\MFL V 2\LU 251 523 984B MFL_V2 FAXCENTRE F116_F116L XEROX
Then, to send to E-mail address:
Enter the addressee’s E-mail address or choose your dialing mode (refer to paragraph Dialing,
page 66).
Enter the address of who you want to receive a copy of the document (CC:), and press OK to
Enter the object for mail (80 characters max.) and press OK
Enter the text with the alphabetical keypad (100 lines of 80 characters) and confirm with OK
For this operation, you will get a true editor:
• for capital letters, use key Shift (key ×),
•To move within the data entry field, use the
or keys,
•to erase a character on the right of the cursor (without moving the cursor), use the Í or C key,
•to move in the text from one word to another, press key and one of the navigator keys,
•to go to the next line, use key .
Then, you can choose between two options :
Send the typed mail directly. Press OK, the mail is placed in memory and will be sent at the next
Internet connection.
Your group dial will receive an E-mail.
Add an attachment (scanned document) to your mail:
- Place the document to be attached in the sheet-fed scanner (face down) or on the flat-bed
scanner (scan side facing the machine)
-Press key .
- Select
B&W SCAN or COLOR SCAN by means of or depending on the document and
confirm with OK
- If needed, set the contrast with keys or and confirm with OK
The document is scanned and the mail is placed in memory. They will be sent at the next Internet
connection. The other party will receive an E-mail with an attached document.
Scan to FTP
The scan to FTP function enables you to put your TIFF, JPEG and PDF files in an FTP server, for
example, for archiving.
To connect to the FTP server, you must know the name of the FTP user and the PASSWORD.
When sending files, the machine connects to the FTP server using the defined connection parameters.
NOTE : This function is programmed by default on the F1 key.
Deposit a file in an FTP server
Put the document in the scanner (refer to paragraph Document positioning, page 65).
Select M 872 OK - SCAN TO / SCAN-TO-FTP or press F2 then press OK key.
Enter the FTP address of the server or select it from the directory by pressing the key.
Enter the name of the FTP user (operation prohibited when the address is in the directory).
MFL 251 523 984_ FAXCENTRE F116_F116 L US.book Page 72 Mercredi, 11. août 2004 4:48 16