O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e m e n t
Powis Parker
775 Heinz Avenue
Berkely, CA 94710, USA
Phone: 510-848-2463
Fax: 510-848-2462
P a r tner Level: Member
Partnership Years: 8
Binding Systems, Foilfast
printer, PowisPrinter
spine printer,
Powis Parker is the leading manufacturer of innovative desktop binding equipment. With
our Fastback
binder you can produce paperback and hard cover books in your office at
a fraction of the cost of traditional bindery methods. Our Fastback
binding strips let you
create reports and manuals up to three-and-a-half times faster than other office binding
systems. Finish your work with customized spines and covers printed in seven dazzling
colors of foil with our PowisPrinter
, and Foilfast
Pitney Bowes
37 Executive Drive
Danbury, CT 06810, USA
Phone: 800-983-9368
Fax: 203-739-3704
P a r tner Level: Member
Partnership Years: 14
Mailing Hardware, Software and Professional Services including Inserters, Sorters,
Data Quality, Mailing Efficiency, Print Manipulation, Shop Floor and Postage Management
and Digital Document Delivery.
Pitney Bowes Document Messaging Technologies provides a range of equipment,
software and service solutions to engineer the flow of critical business communications
for high volume mail and digital document output customers for optimizing efficiency
and effectiveness. These solutions empower our clients to use their customer
communications—digital and paper—to further drive profitability by integrating the
document channel with enterprise and CRM solutions.