Exceptions tab in the job parameters window
Add and delete page exceptions and inserts
Parameter Option Description
Exceptions Type Define the type of exception for your job. Provides the
following options:
Page range—Type the range of pages for the
Front cover or Back cover—Select Duplex to print the
first two (or last two) pages of the job as the cover page
(back cover).
Note: If the imposition type is Saddle Stitch, select
Cover to print both a front and back cover page on a
different media type. Select Middle sheet to print the
internal sheet on a different media type.
Inserts: Select Before or After and type the page
number that will precede or follow the insert. Then, in
the Quantity box, type the total number of inserts you
want to add.
The destination tray for the output.
Advanced Options The option is only available when you select Page Range,
from the Type list.
Provides the following options:
Destination profile—Enables you to select the same
destination profile that is selected for the job, or select a
different profile from the list.
Trim orientation—Enables you to select the orientation
for the pages that include exceptions. By default this is
set to same as job.
Folding—Applies z-fold to the exception pages
Image Position
Same as job—Enables you to position the images in
the same position as the images in the rest of the
Same on Both Sides—Shifts the image on the
second side of the sheet according to the image shift
on the first side of the sheet.
You can also manually define the shift for odd and
even pages, and center the pages on the sheet.
Exceptions tab in the job parameters window 109