Table 1-1. Fax Options window field descriptions
Field/Button Description
[Tone Dialing]
[Pulse Dialing]
These radio buttons enable you to specify whether your phone system uses tone
dialing or pulse dialing. [Tone dialing] is the default setting.
Long Distance Prefix Enter the prefix you must dial when calling outside your local calling area (for
example, you may need to dial a “1” before dialing the long distance area code and
number). If this does not apply to your calling area, leave this field blank.
Current Area Code Enter your local area code in this field, being consistent in the way you enter area
codes and phone numbers. For example, if you placed parentheses around the area
code in the Current Area Code field, you must use parentheses when entering area
codes in your Fax Phonebook.
If you enter an area code in this field, you must also include area codes with every
phone number that you add to your phonebook.
If you do not complete this field, you must include the area code and long distance
prefix of every long distance phone number, excluding local numbers, that you add
to your phonebook.
Maximum number of
Enter the maximum number of times you want the fax software to try dialing a
number if it cannot connect the first time. This number must be between 0 and
100. The default is 0.
Minutes to wait
before retrying
If you enter a number in the Maximum number of retries field, this entry is required.
Enter the number of minutes you want the fax software to wait before trying the
number again. This number must be between 1 and 60.
Resolution This option is used only when manually entering a fax number.
Fax PostScript
This option is used only when manually entering a fax number.
Confirmation Pages When the Confirmation Pages checkbox is selected, the fax utility automatically
prints a page (Transmission Status Report) confirming the time and number of pages
it transmitted during a fax job. If you do not want a confirmation page, click on
once in the Confirmation Pages checkbox to deselect the box (remove the “X”).
Page Caption When the Page Caption checkbox is selected, the fax utility automatically prints the
date, time, and page number at the top of each page being transmitted. To disable
this feature, click on one to deselect the Page Caption checkbox.
Refer to the “Editing fax options” section in the “Operation”
chapter if you want to modify the initial configuration settings.
Removing the fax utility
If you want to remove the fax utility software from your
Macintosh hard disk, perform the following:
• Drag the fax printer driver and Fax Phonebook files from your
Extensions/System folder to the Trash icon.
• Drag the folder that contains the fax utility software files to
the Trash icon.