
General specifications apply for the temperature range 5°C to 40°C. Accuracy specifications
apply for the temperature range 18°C to 28°C after 1 hour warm-up with no load and calibration at
23°C. Typical specifications are determined by design and are not guaranteed.
Voltage Range: 0V to 60V
Current Range: 0A to 20A
Power Range: Up to 420W
Output Voltage Setting: By coarse and fine controls.
Output Current Setting: By single logarithmic control.
Operating Mode: Constant voltage or constant current with automatic cross-over
provided that the power demanded stays within the power envelope,
see graph. Outside of this envelope the output becomes unregulated.
XPF 60-20
Output Switch: Electronic. Preset voltage and current displayed when off.
Output Terminals: 4mm terminals on 19mm (0·75”) pitch. 30A max.
Sensing: Switchable between local and remote. Spring-loaded push terminals
for remote connection.
Output Protection: Forward protection by Over-Voltage Protection (OVP) trip; maximum
voltage that should be applied to the terminals is 70V.
Reverse protection by diode clamp for reverse currents up to 3A.
Over-temperature Protection: The output will be tripped off if a fault causes the internal
temperature to rise excessively.
OVP Range: 10% to 110% of maximum output voltage set by front panel
screwdriver adjustment.
Line Regulation: Change in output for a 10% line change:
Constant voltage: <0.01% of maximum output
Constant current: <0.01% of maximum output
Load Regulation: Change in output for any load change within PowerFlex envelope,
remote sense connected:
Constant voltage: <0.01% of maximum output
Constant current: <0.05% of maximum output
Ripple & Noise
(20MHz bandwidth):
4mVrms max; typically <2mVrms, <10mV pk-pk, at maximum load,
CV mode.