
Locking and Unlocking the Front Panel
975-0200-01-01 5-55
Locking and Unlocking the Front Panel
Locking out the front panel will prevent any of the buttons from
functioning. All the buttons and knobs on the front panel will display the
LOCL Loc message to be display on the Current and Voltage displays if
pressed or rotated. This mode prevents any changes to the unit from the
front panel. See the following procedure to lock and unlock the front
The SCPI Commands for these instructions are:
[:]SYSTem[<channel>]:REMote:STATe {?|LOCal|REMote}
LOCal is used to set the front panel mode to local.
REMote is used to set the front panel into locked mode (remote).
For example:
SYST:REM:STAT REM Front panel is locked (remote digital
programming mode only).
SYST:REM:STAT LOC Front panel is unlocked.
SYST:REM:STAT? Query for status
Auto Sequence Programming
Auto Sequence programming lets you execute a program stored in the
power supply’s memory. The program that can be stored in memory can
be composed of any of the SCPI commands described in this Manual.
For example, Auto Sequence programming allows you to set the timer to
turn the power output of the supply Off or On after a time interval or to
program voltage sequences.
When a program is activated each command stored in the buffer is
executed as if the operator had sent the command by typing it in. A
variable delay time called dwell is spent between commands. The dwell
time can range from 0 seconds to 180 seconds. See
“Setting Dwell Time”
on page 5–56.
The Auto Sequence program will be cleared after AC power is turned off;
however, a procedure exists for storing it in a text file which can be
reloaded at a later date.