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For other browsers on other computers:
• You may want to set up a favorite so you can come back to the web page.
• Also, you may want to use the CTRL + and CTRL - key combinations to zoom the web page in
or out to better fit you screen size.
From time to time Xantech may update the firmware for the MRIP. This might be done to support new
user interface devices, or to support new audio devices.
You will be sent new update files by Xantech or your distributor. Save these on your computer that
has the MRIP Installer program. There will be three files, with names like:
• WebBuffer xx-xx.zip
• MRIP Internal x-xx..s19
• MRIP External x-xx..s19
The process of updating the MRIP firmware is quite simple:
1. Start the MRIP Installer as directed elsewhere in the document.
2. Select the MRIP unit to configure as you did for Setting the Static IP Address
3. If you want to change the assigned name for the MRIP (which shows up in the top center of
the web user interface), select the option for Assign MRIP Name, and enter a short name. If
you have more than one MRIP in your home or office, this can be used to identify each one. If
you don't want to change the name, leave this option unchecked.
4. Select the option for WebBuffer Zip File Name, if not already selected.
Use the Browse button, to the right, to find and select the WebBuffer xx-xx.zip file.
5. Select the option for Load Firmware File, if not already selected.
Use the Browse button, to the right, to find and select the appropriate firmware file, either:
MRIP Internal x-xx..s19 for the MRIP in the MX88
MRIP External x-xx..s19 for the external MRIP
6. The click the Install button, and the files will be downloaded to the MRIP. The download
progress will be shown to the right of the button.
7. Once the files have been downloaded, the MRIP will restart, which will take approximately 20
Xantech Corporation - 13100 Telfair Avenue, Second Floor - Sylmar, CA 91342
Installation Instructions, MX88 MRIP Connection
© 2010 Xantech Corporation
This document is copyright protected. No part of this manual may be copied or reproduced in any form without prior written consent from Xantech
Xantech Corporation shall not be liable for operational, technical, or editorial errors/omissions made in this document.