Wolf Cinema Owner's Manual
MOT Motion Filter
Use MOT to control how de-interlacing is managed.
0 = Auto — software determines the best option.
1 = Still — produces crisp images when there is no motion.
3 = Film — performs inverse telecine operation to reproduce accurately and crisply
MSH Menu Shift Horizontal
Use MSH to move menus horizontally (0 = Left, up to 466 right)
MSP Menu Location
Use MSP to moves menus to a preset location:
0 = 4:3 Top/Left
1 = 4:3 Inset 1
2 = 4:3 Inset 2
3 = 16:9 Top/Left
4 = 16:9 Inset 1
5 = 16:9 Inset 2
6 = Custom (read-only)
MSV Menu Shift Vertical
Use MSV to move menus vertically (0 = Top, up to 350 Down)
NAM Source / Channel Name
NRD Noise Reduction
Use NRD to set the noise reduction level.
NSI Number Select Image
Use NSI to use the numeric keys 1-8 as input keys for the main image. This option is only
effective when the Menu system is not active, for example when Picture-in-Picture is enabled.
0 = Never
1 = Only when the PIP window is active
2 = Always
NTR Network Routing
Use NTR to specify which ports are joined in a common network. By default, only RS232 ports
(IN & OUT) are linked. If desired, add the RS422 port(s) to this network, and/or the Ethernet
0 = RS232, RS422 & Ethernet communications are all separate from one another
1 = RS422 port(s) is/are connected to the RS232 network
2 = The Ethernet port is connected to the RS232 network
3 = RS232, RS422 & Ethernet are all connected to each other
OSD On Screen Display
Enable (1) or disable (0) the on-screen display of the menus system.
3.96 MOT
Motion Filter
3.97 MSH
Menu Shift Horizontal
3.98 MSP
Menu Location
3.99 MSV
Menu Shift Vertical
3.100 NAM
Source / Channel Name
3.101 NRD
Noise Reduction
3.102 NSI
Number Select Image
3.103 NTR
Network Routing
3.104 OSD
On Screen Display