TW2000 10/6/05
2.5 Clearances
The KERR TW2000 Wood-Fired Boiler is to be installed in accordance with the
National Building Code or local regulations. Allowances front and rear must be
made for cleaning and servicing.
Minimum safety clearances to combustibles are:
Front 48” 1220 mm
One Side 6” 152 mm
Other Side (for rear access) 24” 610 mm
Rear 24” 610 mm
Above Wood-Fired Boiler 24” 610 mm
Flue Pipe to combustible, Boiler & electrical wiring 18” 457 mm
Floor Non-Combustible
These clearances will also allow adequate combustion air to reach the boiler.
2.6 Plumbing Connections
There are only two differences between the installation of any conventional hot
water heating system and those using a Kerr TW2000 boiler – the safety override
zone valve, and the blow-down extinguishing system. A circulator of at least
5-G.P.M. capacity must be used in a system using the Kerr TW2000 boiler to
assure circulation of water.
The normally open zone valve must be installed to allow a free flow of water in a
power off situation. Kerr recommends that the valve be placed as shown in Fig.
TW-1 or Fig. TW- 4. The override zone valve should be on the loop supplying the
living area on the main floor level (i.e. kitchen – living room). The override loop
for the safety shall have at least 30 ft. of radiation above the wood boiler. Do not
use basement loop for the safety override loop, as this will not provide gravity
flow in a power out situation. This override loop must be capable of dissipating at
least 10% of the estimated heat output of the Kerr TW2000 boiler in the event
that the circulation is reduced because of electrical power failure. The safety by-
pass dump zone shall NOT run through any plastic piping. A deliberate manual
action shall be required to make the override loop inoperative.
The blow-down extinguishing system is installed to control the fire in case
overheating causes excessive pressure in the pressure vessel. The relief valve,
included, is threaded into the top of the pressure vessel and copper pipe is
installed from its exhaust to the flange above the loading door on the firebox.
In addition to its ability to heat the home, this boiler is provided with a domestic
coil position. A copper coil may be purchased with your boiler or added at a later
date. It may be utilized as a single water heater or in conjunction with an oil, gas
or electric heater.