Option Select Mode
Entering Option Select Mode allows you to customize
options such as Tone Select, Compass Select, Abbreviated
Power Up Sequence and VG-2 Mode. When selecting
options, the , or quiet must be pressed within 20 sec-
onds or options mode will automatically be exited. To
1760/1765 Chart
Press: quiet *Display To Change, Option:
Reads: Press
For 2 seconds COMBO or Combo=Radar & Compass
Radar=No Compass
Compass=No Radar
2nd time TONE 3 = YES Tone 1, 2, or 3
= NO (3 different X, K, Ka
3rd time TEST YES = ON X, K, Ka Audio tones
= OFF 1 beep during
Power Up
4th time VG2 OFF = ON Turns VG-2 On
= OFF Turns VG-2 Off
5th time SR = ON Turns Safety Radar On
= OFF Turns Safety Radar Off
6th time B SVR = ON Battery Saver On
ON = OFF Battery Saver Off
16 17
1750 Chart
Press: Quiet *Display To Change, Option:
Reads: Press
For 2 seconds TONE 3 or Tone 1, 2, or 3
(3 different X, K, Ka
2nd time TEST YES = YES X, K, Ka Audio tones
= NO 1 beep during
Power Up
3rd time VG2 OFF = ON Turns VG-2 On
= OFF Turns VG-2 Off
4th time SR = ON Turns Safety Radar On
= OFF Turns Safety Radar Off
5th time VOICE = ON Real Voice engaged
= OFF Real Voice disengaged
6th time B SVR = ON Battery Saver On
= OFF Battery Saver Off
*Factory settings.
Press Power anytime to exit.
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