The rear panel contains:
• 5 terminal strips - Direct IN/OUT and Iso 1-4. Each of the wire end screw type
terminals handles 4 channels
• Individual ground lift switches for every Iso output on the unit
• A 9-pin DSUB connector that connects the monitor unit and supplies DC power
to the AS8X4
The monitor unit is available with various wattage power supplies depending on the
number of channels needed in the system. The units are available in 2 configurations,
rack mount with the supplies mounted to the rack panel, or a 2 space rack unit for the
monitor section only with the supplies located in a separate Hoffman box with multipin
connects. The monitor unit can be configured to handle up to 10 AS8X4 splitter units or
80 channels.
Frequency response
± .15dBv 31Hz - 18KHz, -3dBv at 20Hz, -
Total harmonic distortion + noise .0019 % at 1KHz –14dBv
Phase shift .4 degrees at 1KHz
Equivalent input noise 120dBv
Total gain 40dBv
Gain of microphone preamp 20, 30 or 40dBv selectable
Common mode rejection of input 90dBv at 60Hz
Maximum input level 0dBv
Input impedance 1.2K Ohms
Maximum output level +22dBv
Output impedance 80 Ohms T pad on, 22 ohms T pad off
Headphone output impedance 13 Ohms
Minimum impedance of headphones 30 Ohms
Noise at unity gain -116dBv
Noise at 40dBv of gain no T pad -80dBv
Noise at 30dBv of gain no T pad -89dBv
Headroom LED threshold 0, -12 –24dBv
Phantom power + 48 volts DC
Max output of headphones at 30 Ohms +8dBv