Deodorants Light stain:
Treat with liquid detergent or your regular laundry detergent.
and anti-
Wash in hottest water safe for fabric.
prspirants H
eavy stain:
Place face down on towel and treat with a paste of ammonia
and color safe bleach. Let stand for 30 minutes. Wash in hottest water safe
for fabric.
Fire Hazard
Do not wash or dry items soiled with vegetable or cooking oils
because they may contain some oil after laundering.
1 Doing so can result in death or fire.
Fat, grease,
Items soiled with vegetable or cooking oil should not be washed or dried.
or oil
For other types of greasy stains, use one of the methods below:
l Use pretreatment stain remover. Follow label directions. Wash in hottest
water safe for fabric.
l Use talcum powder to absorb as much grease as possible. Sponge with
a nonflammable fabric cleaner. Rinse. Wash.
l Treat with liquid detergent or rub a detergent paste on the stain. Wash
using hottest water safe for fabric.
Fruit stains
Fresh stains:
Soak immediately in cool water. Wash. If stain remains,
cover area with a paste made of color safe bleach, a few drops of hot
water, and a few drops of ammonia. Wait 15 to 30 minutes. Wash.
Old stains:
Sponge with white vinegar. Rinse. Repeat procedure for fresh
Grass or
Soak in warm or cold water with an enzyme presoak for at least 30
green veg-
minutes, or sponge with denatured alcohol. Wash in water temperature and
bleach safe for the fabric. For colored fabrics, check colorfastness before
applying alcohol. For acetate, sponge with a nonflammable fabric cleaner.
If stain remains, bleach with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Rinse. Rewash.
ink or
Spray stain with an aerosol hair spray or rubbing alcohol. Sponge stain
pen ink
continuously until all bleeding stops. Let dry. Repeat if necessary. Wash.
If stain remains, bleach if safe for fabric. (India and other indelible inks are
almost impossible to remove completely.)
iron or rust
Colored or noncolorfast items:
Apply lemon juice and salt. Place in the
sun to dry. Rinse thoroughly. Repeat if necessary.
White or colorfast items:
Try a rust remover. Test first on inside seam or
hem. Some rust removers are not washer safe. Follow package directions.
Ketchup or
Sponge immediately with a nonflammable fabric cleaner or apply a
prewash soil and stain remover. Rinse. Wash. If stain remains, apply a
liquid detergent to stain or soak in warm water with an enzyme presoak.
continued on next page