• Emptypockets.Loosechange,buttons,oranysmall
object can pass under the washplate and become trapped,
causing unexpected sounds.
and colorfastness.
• Separateheavilysoileditemsfromlightlysoiled.
• Separatedelicateitemsfromsturdyfabrics.
• Donotdrygarmentsifstainsremainafterwashing,because
heat can set stains into fabric.
• Treatstainspromptly.
• Closezippers,fastenhooks,tiestringsandsashes,and
remove non-washable trim and ornaments.
• Mendripsandtearstoavoidfurtherdamagetoitems
during washing.
Helpful Tips:
• Whenwashingwater-prooforwater-resistantitems,load
evenly. See “Cycle Guide” for tips and more information on
using the Bulky Items cycle.
• Usemeshgarmentbagstohelpavoidtanglingwhen
washing delicate or small items.
• Turnknitsinsideouttoavoidpilling.Separatelint-takers
from lint-givers. Synthetics, knits, and corduroy fabrics will
pick up lint from towels, rugs, and chenille fabrics.
NOTE: Always read and follow fabric care label instructions
to avoid damage to your garments.
1. Sort and prepare your laundry
Single-dose laundry packet, color-safe bleach, Oxi-type
boosters, or fabric softener crystals can be added to basket
prior to adding laundry.
NOTE: Do not add clothes to washer basket prior to adding
laundry products. Always follow manufacturer’s instructions.
2. Add single-dose laundry packet,
Oxi, color-safe bleach, or fabric
softener crystals (if desired)