Important Safety Instructions
To rsdua ths risk of flro,
lsctrkisl shock, or
hjury to parsons when udng your dryer, Mow
. Rsad all lnstructlons kfors using l You an rwponslblo for rn&lng
the dryer.
sun that you dryer is installed,
l NEVER dry items cleaned, washed,
repaired and has parts replaced by a
soaked in or spotled with wax, paint,
qualified person.
gasoline or flammable fluids in the
l Use only fabric softeners specifiilly
dryer. The fumes can create a RRE
labeled as not being harmful to the
hand launder and air dry fabrics
containing these materials.
materials can result from:
l NEVER albw children to operate,
play with or crawl inside the dryer.
-drying rubber, rubber-like and heat
sensitiie materials with heat.
Close supervision ot children is
necessary when the dryer is used
-albwing lint build-up inside the
near children.
dryer or exhaust system. Cleaning
l DO NOT reach into a dryer if the
should be done periodically by a
drum is moving.
qualified person.
l Clean lint screen before or after
l When discarding an old dryer,
each bad.
ALWAYS remwe the door to
prevent accidental entrapment.
l DC NOT let dust, lint, paper, rags,
l DO NOT install or store dryer where
chemicals, etc. pile up around or
it will be exposed to the weather.
under the dryer.
l Do NOT tamper with the controls.
l Dryer must be electricaliy grounded.
See the Installation Instructbns.
Additional safety instructions and your responsibilities
l NEVER operate the bryer if:
-it is not working right (i.e. noisy,
too hot).
- il is damaged.
-parts are missing (i.e. door latch).
-all panels are not in place.
-the lint screen is loose, damaged
or missing.
-is properly installed and leveled on a
floor that can support the weigM in a
well ventilated mom.*
- is located in an area where the
temperature is above 45°F (7°C).
- is conneded to the proper outlet and
electrical supply.’
-is properly connected to fuel and
exhaust systems.’
- is not installed against drapes or
l ALWAYS shut off the gas valve
before leaving on vacation il you
have a gas dryer.
l ALWAYS unplug the power supply
cord or turn off electrical power
before attempting to service the
dryer. Shut off GAS VALVE if you
have a gas dryer.
l You are responslbls for maklng
sure that your dryer:
-is properly maintained.
-is used only for jobs normally
home clothes dryers.
-is not used by anyone unable to
operate it properly.
‘See the Installation Instructions for
complete information.