temperature in the REGULAR HEAVY
Cycle. You can also work the Cycle
Control Knob to use less water when
washing small loads. [See page 5.)
if you turn to a cycie ond start the
washer but change your mnind push in
on the Cycle Controi Knob and turn
to the right [c/o&wise) to the settmg you
wont Then puii out to start
For Spinning Only
ing the bar just before OFF In any cycle.
The washer will drain, spin out
There may be times when you
want to drain out all the wash water and
start over. To stop the washer at any
time, just push In on the Cycle Control
To set the washer so it drains and
spans water out of the load. push In on
the Control Knob, turn the dral to the
right (clockwrse) so the pointer IS touch-
water and stop.