Detergents and soaps clean
by loosening solI, and Dy holding It In
the hater so It drains away If not
enough detergent IS Jsed. soli and
lint can settle back on the Items I~I
the load
SOAP works nest in soft iri/a+e:
; 4 groins pardness; 1~ harder water,
coth the wash and rlqse water should
be scftenec! Use enough soap to
Take obou’ 1’ 2 to 2 Inches (3 8 to 5 5
cm) of suds
DETERGENT works in X!YI c ’
v&er. Package directions are
usually based on soft water arid
washers with normal-size tubs Use
more detergent...
1 for hard water
2 for Qeovv greasy or
oily soils
3 If the detergent IS low
4 for cold-water washes
high, normal and low sudsing pow-
dered detergents. If the recom-
mended amount of detergent makes
too much suds, switch to a lower
sudsing brand DO NOT REDUCE THE
AMOUNT of detergent
Use the followlng chart as
begInning suggestlons for powdered
and liquid detergent amounts See
your Laundry Guide for more infor-
motion (pages 14-22).
O-4 Groins 4-10 Grains IO-20 Grains
Powdered Detergents
Low Suds
iq cup (175 mL) 1’4 cups (250-300 1’4-1’2 cups
(300-350 mL)
Normal Suds 1’4 cups (300 ml)
I34 cups (425 ml]
2-2'1 cups
(475-525 mL)
High Suds 1-1’4 cups
2 cups (475 mL)
2'2 cups (600 ml)
(300-350 mL)
No phosphate
- Follow package recommendations -
Liquid Detergents ‘3 to 1 cup (60 to 250 mL], depending on the brand and
amount of soil Follow package recommendations
These recommendations do not apply
In areas where phosphates are banned
In areas with laws limiting (by weight or percentage) the amount
of detergent used in a wash load
For Rinsing Only
If yoc~ want high ogltation and
spin, use the dot In REGULAR HEAVY If
‘Your ;hiasher carI be set to rinse
you want low agitation and spin use
3nly llse the setting for arl extra rinse
the dot in KNITS GENTLE. Use the dot ir
3r for laundv tbot only needs o rinse
PERMANENT PRESS If you want high
agitation ond a low-speed spin